Using Secondary Progressed and Converse Directions
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Astrology of David Bowie’s Rise to Fame: Using Secondary Progressed and Converse Directions

This article demonstrates how astrology can highlight significant events in a person’s chart using secondary progressed and converse directions.  The life events described here are taken from BBC television documentary “David Bowie Finding Fame (2019)” which discusses his spectacular rise to fame.  Let’s take a  look at his natal chart. 



Davie Bowie’s Natal Chart 


Astrology of David Bowie

  • Aquarius rising ruler Uranus in Gemini conjunct 5th cusp indicates someone who is highly creative, innovative, and develops original ideas through writing stories.
  • Sun-Mars conjunction in Capricorn (12th house) square Neptune in Libra (8th house) indicates on the one hand that Bowie was very self-aware of his isolation, sensitivity, and fears (Sun 12th house) but on the other hand he struggled to define his own sense of identity. This was demonstrated by the creation of different stage personas that blurred the boundaries of his sense of identity. For example, he said. ‘[Ziggy] wouldn’t leave me alone for years. That was when it all started to go sour… My whole personality was affected. It became very dangerous. I really did have doubts about my sanity.’ (Readers Digest, 2016). Sun-Mars also tells us that Bowie was highly motivated, assertive, and ambitious (Capricorn) who dissolved sexual boundaries (square Neptune in 8th) through artistic performance.
  • The strong Aquarius-Leo polarity combined with Leo Planets trine the  Sagittarius Midheaven indicates a talented person who expresses creativity through the arts and performance world-wide. Moon-Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo (7th house) indicates a challenging childhood where he constantly sought approval from his mother who had difficulty showing any affection. In the BBC documentary, Bowie often referred to his parents as being soulless, even though friends of the family said his father doted on him (Sun-Neptune square).

Using  Secondary Progressed and Converse Directions

I’ve used Ronald Davidson’s secondary progressed and converse technique which involves moving the planets, ascendant, and midheaven forward (progressed) and backward (converse) in time, using a day for a year paradigm. So if you wanted to find out the planet positions for your tenth birthday  you would count ten days after your birthday (progression) or/and ten days before your birthday(conversion).  The most important secondary directions are planets to the angles of the chart e.g. Ascendant and Midheaven followed by solar aspects to planets.  These usually indicate the beginning of important period in a person’s life.

Planting the Seed of Fame in 1962 

Many astrologers might think it is pointless investigating David Bowie’s secondary directions eleven years before he obtained worldwide fame and success. However, based on research Ronald Davidson found that when significant directions occur at the same time a person develops a new idea or starts a new enterprise, they may not reap rewards of their efforts until many years later. David Bowie’s progressed chart in 1962 demonstrates this theory of delayed success, much after the progression occurs.  In 1962, he had the following progressions.

  • Progressed Sun conjunct progressed Mercury conjunct natal Ascendant in Aquarius demonstrates Bowie’s increased self-confidence, desire for creative self-expression, and ability to develop novel ideas and theories (Gemini 5th cusp and Aquarius-Leo polarity) furing this period.  In the BBC documentary, Bowie said that he enjoyed experimenting with different forms of artistic expression because of his desire to find one that would make him famous.
  • Converse Jupiter conjunct converse Midheaven in Scorpio:  indicates professional success through the support of wealthy influential people (Jupiter in Scorpio, 9th house) from the music industry. This is supported by converse Venus conjunct natal Jupiter in Scorpio indicating success in the arts and financial abundance. Even when his records failed, he kept reinventing himself on a professional level (Jupiter in Scorpio) and maintaining his vision (natal Sagittarius Midheaven) of becoming famous (natal Sun in Capricorn square Neptune in Libra)
  • Midheaven in Sagittarius indicates the need to express his independent and unconventional approach to his professional life and to shock the world (Midheaven). This progression would have created much tension and stress in his family life.

David Bowie Rise to Fame: 1969, 1972 and 1973

 In 1969 David Bowie produced his stage persona Major Tom in the hit record ‘Space Oddity’ which was followed by another stage persona Ziggy Stardust (1972-1973) which enabled Bowie to achieve world-wide fame through his innovative approach to songwriting, composing and performing   

Space Oddity Creation in 1969 

Bowie said that the character Major Tom and the track ‘Space Oddity’ was inspired by watching Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). ‘Space Oddity’ was Bowie’s first recording success and a major turning point in his musical career and life. Following is the list of progressions he had during this period.David Bowie Astrology using secondary progression and conversion

  • Progressed Sun square Converse Midheaven : The progressed Sun in Aquarius (1st House) squares converse Midheaven in Scorpio, indicating personal (Sun Progressed in 1st house) and professional success (converse Midheaven) and further challenges lie ahead that need to be overcome (Square). This progression marks Bowie’s first hit and a turning point in his artistic and professional life.
  • Progressed Ascendant Trine Natal Jupiter: Natal Jupiter in Scorpio (9thhouse) is in a trine to the progressed Ascendant in Pisces, indicating personal success, recognition and achievement through writing and publishing (natal Jupiter in 9th house). This progression would have increased Bowie’s confidence and would have benefited from advice and support from influential people in the music industry.
  • Converse Mercury Conjunct Natal Midheaven : The converse Mercury was applying conjunction to the natal Midheaven in Sagittarius. His songwriting, composing and creative ideas in the music business would lead to a significant achievement, especially when you consider Gemini 5th house ruler and natal Midheaven in Sagittarius, indicating his creative ideas would achieve worldwide recognition.
  • Progressed Sun Trine natal Neptune and Square Converse Midheaven : The Sun-Neptune progression is the strongest planetary progression during the year because both planets form a square aspect in his natal chart. This planetary aspect often occurs when people become famous, especially when supported by other angular secondary directions. This planetary combination also is indicative of a highly creative period in his life and financial success in the arts (Neptune in Libra 8th house). His words about his character in ‘Space Oddity’ throw light on his Sun Neptune Aspect. He says  ‘I related it to myself a lot more than anything I’d written up until then…There was something about it that touched areas of my fears about my own insecurities socially and maybe emotionally[Sun-Mars, 12th house Square Neptune, 8th house]. This feeling of isolation [natal Sun in 12th house] that I had ever since I was a kid was really starting to manifest itself’ (progressed Sun 1st house trine Neptune 8th). The isolation of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) made it very obvious. ‘I really felt a sense of how you could write as an isolationist… I thought well, gee I am Major Tom, here I am in my own cosmic space…’(Sun in 12thhouse square Neptune 8th house).  The progressed Sun trine Neptune indicates the realization (Sun moving from 12thhouse to 1st house) of his dreams . 
  • Converse Sun conjunct Progressed Venus: The converse Sun in Sagittarius was conjunct with progressed Venus (11th house), indicating an incredibly happy period in his life, achieving recognition in the arts, professional and financial success. This could have marked the time of a significant personal relationship and much happiness. During this progression, David Bowie won “The Ivor Novello Award “for the single ‘Space Oddity’. This award is presented by the British Academy of songwriters, composers, and authors. Although planets in Leo and 5th house reveal our talents and creativity the 11th house demonstrates how we express our talents to the outside world and through groups/societies.
  • Interplanetary Aspects With Venus conjunct the Midheaven (Sagittarius) in the natal chart we would expect Venus interplanetary aspects to support Bowie’s significant success in the arts. Arguably one of the planetary aspects that are often shown in charts of successful people in the arts is Venus-Jupiter, especially as conjunction or trine. Bowie had converse Venus conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio (9th House) and natal Jupiter in Scorpio (9th house) trine to the progressed Ascendant in Pisces. Jupiter rules the 10th house and 11th house, providing additional astrological evidence to support Bowie’s personal success. 

Worldwide Fame and Success – “Ziggy” was born – 1972-1973

 By 1972 David Bowie created his next alter ego ‘Ziggy Stardust’ influenced by glam rock and the exploration of sexuality taboos (Sun-Mars conjunction in Capricorn 12th square Neptune in Libra, 8th house) and transformed Bowie’s musical career.  On January 29th, 1972 Bowie started his first worldwide tour ‘Ziggy Stardust’ which included 183 performances, ending on 3rd July 1973.

  • Progressed Sun in Opposition to Natal Pluto: What is surprising is that Bowie did not have many secondary directions during this year. However,  his progressed Sun in Aquarius (1st house) in opposition to Pluto in Leo (7th house) was a powerful aspect and indicates his change (Pluto) of self-identity (Sun) and the emergence of a new stage persona ‘Ziggy Stardust’. The embodiment of ‘Ziggy Stardust’ and obsession with this persona can also be attributed to his natal Sun-Mars conjunction in Capricorn (12th House) square Neptune in Libra (8th House). Bowie said “[Ziggy] wouldn’t leave me alone for years. That was when it all started to go sour… My whole personality was affected. It became very dangerous. I really did have doubts about my sanity.”
  • Converse Venus Conjunct Jupiter: Financially this would have been his most successful year since he first started his musical career in 1962. Interestingly Bowie had converse Venus conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio (9th house), which was active when he formed his first band 10 years earlier at the age of 15. This progression also demonstrates his popularity and artistic success.
  • Progressed Mercury to Uranus in Gemini (natal Uranus conjunct 5th cusp), indicating sudden flashes of inspiration, innovative ideas, approach to songwriting and inventing personas, which was quite revolutionary at the time. During this aspect he wrote the lyrics for Starman in 15 minutes! 
  • Converse Saturn in Leo square converse Midheaven and Mars: The world-wide tour was very demanding due to extensive long-distance travel which would have been physically exhausting.
  • Progressed Ascendant and Midheaven changing signs: Ascendant changed from Pisces to Aries and Midheaven from Sagittarius to Capricorn which reflected the change in his persona in both his personal and professional life:

“Ziggy Had to Die” and “Aladdin Sane” was born in 1973

The 1973 album featured a new character called Aladdin Sane, a pun on “A Lad Insane”, whom Bowie described as “Ziggy Stardust goes to America”. The album cover, shot by photographer Brian Duffy and featuring a lightning bolt across Bowie’s face, was the most expensive cover ever made at the time and represents the split personality of the Aladdin Sane character and Bowie’s mixed feelings of the tour and stardom. It is regarded as one of his most iconic images.

  • Progressed Sun in Aquarius (1st house) in opposition to Pluto in Leo (7th house). This progression not only indicates his obsession with his persona ‘Ziggy Stardust’ but also marked the end of it. Bowie said Ziggy had to die (Pluto 7th house), and by  killing Ziggy Bowie gave birth to his next persona ‘Aladdin Sane’. This Sun-Pluto progression also demonstrates  the memorizing effect on his fans and his controversial performances that included taboo sexual expressions on stage. There is no doubt that this opposition produced intense and obsessive creative performances and the ability for Bowie to become fully immersed in his stage personas.  
  • Converse Sun in Sagittarius (10th house) in opposition to natal Uranus in Gemini (4th House) indicates the many long-distance journeys during his 1983 world-wide tour and living in many different parts of the world. This is further supported by converse Mercury in Sagittarius (9th house) trine to progressed Ascendant in Aries. The Sun-Uranus Opposition also probably marked an important shift in his songwriting experience and reflecting the more innovative persona of ‘Aladdin Sane’.  During this period Bowe also certainly felt extreme pressure from a demanding schedule and adapting to new exciting experiences.
  • Progressed Mars in Aquarius (1st house) squares converse Midheaven in Scorpio demonstrating the intense energy he had to put into his performances. Progressed Mars in Aquarius was also making opposition to Saturn in Leo  so it is very likely he  pushed himself to the edge of physical exhaustion.
  • Converse Venus conjunct converse Jupiter in Scorpio (9th House), which was operative since 1962, the beginning of his journey to fame. At the same period Progressed Venus also makes a conjunction to converse Mars in Sagittarius (10th house). This again supports converse Venus conjunction with converse Jupiter, indicating success in the arts and popularity.

Although most astrologers would expect solar progressions in aspect to natal, progressed, and conversed planets, and angle during his best years in 1969 and between 1972 to 1973, this article demonstrates that this progressions and converse direction occurred when he first started his musical career in 1962, when the main idea developed. This adds evidence to Ronald Davidson’s theory that the success of a new enterprise is determined by secondary progressions at the time of the inception even if the actual success happens many years later.

As discussed in this article, Bowie’s astrological chart revealed significant solar and interplanetary aspects to the angles. In particular, the progressed Sun conjunct progressed Mercury and natal Ascendant in Aquarius and converse Jupiter conjunct converse midheaven in Scorpio (9th house) were very significant (as Jupiter is the ruler of the natal Midheaven).  This converse direction indicates professional success though transformation (Scorpio) and broadening experience (Jupiter) through professional challenges (Midheaven). This is supported by converse Venus conjunct natal Jupiter in Scorpio indicating success in the arts and financial abundance. These two progressions also demonstrate the support of influential people in the music industry and record labels. Therefore we can conclude that Ronald Davidson’s theory of delayed success appears to be correct in the case of David Bowie.

About the Author: Dr. Keith Bound’s  interest in astrology began when his father bought him a zodiac sign gift when he was eight years old. At twenty-one he became a professional astrologer making radio appearances, writing articles for newspapers/blogs, teaching astrology and being part of the psychic fair circuit across the UK. After many years of perfecting the art of astrological interpretation he has developed a unique astrological life coaching technique that transforms traditional astrological readings into empowering possibilities. At present Keith is writing a book about a new approach to astrology and designing a pack of astrological cards that will make it easier for people to learn astrology.


Please share your feedback and any experience with using secondary progressed or converse techniques, especially with delayed manifestation. 



2 COMMENTS on “Astrology of David Bowie’s Rise to Fame: Using Secondary Progressed and Converse Directions

  1. I have the same natal chart (dob) as David Bowie for planets, signs & Nodes of the Moon including the same aspects, however, because I am a night birth and he a morning birth, my planets are all below the horizon (except for Uranus, the handle of my bucket – and David Bowie’s were all above the horizon (the public place), except for Uranus in his 5th …thus all our planets were in opposite houses.

    Excellent article, I enjoyed it Manda. Deb from FB


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