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Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in 2010

 Today is the first of the three Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions (June 8th, 2010) for 2010-2011 that is occurring in 0 degree Aries, and the next two conjunctions will take place on September 18th, 2010 and January 4, 2011.  This is an important occurrence as it happens only once in 13 to 14 years.  I did a study on Jupiter Uranus aspects and Lottery Winnings which shows significant correlation between Jupiter Uranus midpoints and winning lottery tickets, which is essentially about lucky breaks and finding sudden wealth.  Jupiter Uranus conjunction is about breakthroughs (Jupiter: expansion and Uranus: sudden) and can be understood better by looking at past conjunctions.

In 1997, Jupiter Uranus conjunction occurred on February 16th, 1997, and scientists announced the birth of the world’s first successfully cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep on February 22, 1997.  Although Dolly was actually born on 5 July 1996, her arrival was only revealed to the world during the Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in Aquarius.  How appropriate is that? The Aquarius zodiac sign ruled by Uranus stands for science, mankind and the higher intelligence.  Also, at this time the Ceres was conjunct Jupiter-Uranus. Ceres signifies motherhood, nurturing, birth… and its involvement with Jupiter-Uranus conjunction makes sense as Dolly the sheep is a breakthrough in how a living being can be created. Dolly was definitely a scientific milestone very reflective of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius and that which amazed and surprised people all over the world.

 1983 saw triple Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Sagittarius that occurred in February, May, and September of 1983.  There were many important breakthrough in this year; internet was officially created (beginning of the internet protocol), space shuttle, Challenger makes its first voyage in space, astronauts Story Musgrave and Don Peterson perform the first space shuttle spacewalk, Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space, Information about the virus that causes AIDS was first published in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier. Clearly this year was very reflective of the triple Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

 In 1968-1969, again there were three time Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Libra.   On July 20, 1969 was the last of the three conjunctions at 0 degree Libra which is a cardinal point like 0 degree Aries (and 0 degree cancer and Capricorn). Cardinal points are extremely important in Astrology and facilitate contact with large number of people or an event of a large magnitude. On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to step into the moon and rightly made the statement “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. This statement is very reflective of Jupiter Uranus conjunctions which are about major leaps and advancement for mankind.  Interestingly, the trans-neptunian Apollon was conjunct Jupiter–Uranus signifying the Apollo 11 spacecraft.   

Based on history, what can we expect from the conjunction happening now in 0 degree Aries?  Again, 0 degree Aries is a cardinal point and so whatever happens will be of great magnitude and pioneering in spirit.  Also, Juno and Ceres are square Jupiter-Uranus conjunction with less than a 1 degree orb (at 29 degree Gemini and 29 degree Sagittarius respectively). Ceres is about the principle of nurturance, child-mother relationships, food, etc, and Juno is about the role of a wife, husband-wife relationships, money and keeping accounts.  In the past few days the important news that may be reflective of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction are:


  • Many women candidates contesting in the Tuesday June 8th primaries. Many news articles talked about this new streak in the recent primaries. In South Carolina, Nikki Haley is the frontrunner in the Republican primary for governor. In California, Meg Whitman, the former head of eBay is hoping to become the governor and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard is running for United States Senator. In Nevada, two women – Sharron Angle and Sue Lowden – are in a battle for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, Maybe this has to do with the Juno and Ceres squares to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction – advancement and breakthrough for women?
  • Al Gore and Tipper are separating after a 40 year marriage. This headline got the hearts of many people and heated up many blogs as people viewed their marriage as a strong and ideal – maybe something about Juno conjunct Jupiter Uranus. – the indicator of husband and wife relationship?   
  • Strange Discovery on Titan Leads to Speculation of Alien Life – sounds like Jupiter-Uranus news but let’s see what comes of this.

7 COMMENTS on “Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in 2010

  1. Venus is basically about how you relate to people, how you value yourself, the kinds of things you value, receiving or giving money, etc. Jupiter Uranus aspects could create sudden breakthrough in these areas in terms of changing your attitude or through manifesting outer events. Also, it is important to consider the house position of Venus and also the house ruled by Venus as areas signifying these them may also be triggered. It makes a big difference whether your Venus rules the 7th house (relationships) or 10th house (Career).

  2. My house cusps hover around 11 degrees.
    All my planets & Nodes are near the sign borders … between 22 to 07 degrees.
    If I tighten that orb to 27 to 02 degrees then it still includes 5 planets &
    my nodes … one at each degree … 27Jup 28Sun 29Nod 00Plu 01Nep 02Mer
    … so lots of stuff is getting aspected right by this transiting Jupiter/Uranus conjunction.
    But 2010 has been quiet for me … 2009 was a very tumultuous year though for me
    when transiting Uranus & Neptune where aspecting my Mars & Venus more.


  3. This is a great article thanks for sharing this informative information.. I will visit your blog regularly for some latest post.
    The subject of astrology & horoscopes has intrigued people for generations upon generations. There is a mystery about it, and it is never certain as to whether or not one should believe in the predictions.


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