Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology
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Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology

Moon Pluto Astrology

Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology is called the most difficult aspect due to the intensity and potential destruction associated with it. But the experience depends on many factors especially on other aspects formed by Moon and Pluto that may ease or make it more difficult. In Greek mythology, Pluto rules the underworld and so any planet touched by it is pulled down to its deep caves. Hence all stuff ruled by moon whether it is emotions, security, safety, food, or mother gets heated up and transformed throughout life. So it may signify a person whose emotions can run deep and whose life path may take them through dark tunnels, and, yes, there is light at the end of it all, which is the gift of getting close to the soul. Born with an instinct to smell danger, these people discover through life’s journey that the only place safe is within. 

Mother or caregiver tends to play a very strong role in the lives of  Moon Pluto people.  It often shows a very close bond between the mother and child, one that is unshakable and has undercurrents of strong loyalty and passion. The mother can be seen as overwhelming, overprotective or/and complicated, and in its worst, it could be the feeling of being trapped in a suffocating life or deat­­­h dynamics, but this is rare. Sometimes a grandmother or a foster/adopted mother takes over the role of the birth mother.  The thread that ties most Moon Pluto people is the loss of a loved one either through death or separation and this also happens to be a turning point in their life. 

Maya Angelou, a popular American author and poet with a Moon Pluto square as called her mother “terrible and wonderful” in the book “Mom & Me & Mom”. She was raped by her mother’s boyfriend, became mute for five years, and was sent to live with her grandmother with whom she formed a strong attachment. When she was re-united with her mother in adolescence, she mentions the fear of getting close to her but at the same time being enamored by her.  Over time, she learnt to love and forgive her mother. Given below is her chart showing the Moon in Libra square her Pluto in Cancer. 

Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology

Moon Pluto Conjunctions

People with the Moon Pluto conjunctions can be extremely emotional but still find a way to control and internalize it. Some of the high intensity drama plays out within the family, where the bond is so strong and inseparable that anytime the Moon Pluto person ­­tries to distance, they feel guilt and sadness. So the main caregiver ends up becoming this large force that influences many areas of their life. Unless they have other aspects like Moon Uranus or Moon Saturn, these people tend to stay close to home. Unlike other hard aspects or oppositions, with conjunction it may be difficult for the Moon Pluto person to understand the gravity of their emotions and to separate from it, leading sometimes to depression and/or mood disorders.

Wolfgang Mozart’s mother, Anna Maria Mozart was also an accomplished musician who had a close relationship with her son. She fell ill and died suddenly while traveling with her son to Paris and Mozart’s father blamed him for the death of his mother. Mozart is said to have suffered a lot of guilt and grief which was reflected in his compositions but the loss also propelled him to create more sophisticated music.

 Moon Pluto Squares and Oppositions

With the square and oppositions, there is more awareness and hence more struggle to balance the energies of Moon and Pluto. There is a feeling that one’s emotional expression is being controlled by others or through growing up in a family environment where true emotions are not shared. There can be intense grief through separation or death of a caregiver which instills a fear of loss for the rest of their life.  In the aftermath, the Moon Pluto person may have to survive in an environment that is void of emotional closeness. So the person learns to manage their emotions and how this is done depends on the Moon sign. If the Moon is in Gemini, then the person tries to rationalize their strong feeling ; if it is in Pisces, the person may find ways to escape it through different means. These tricks don’t succeed forever, and Pluto finds a way to create an emotional crisis, where the person has no choice but to look deep within. These are painful periods but usually create a breakthrough that helps the Moon Pluto person more stronger and connected with themselves. The more the Moon Pluto person tries to control, the more destructive this aspect can get, creating depression, mood or/and eating disorders. Psychotherapy is a great way to walk into Moon Pluto’s emotional underworld without being completely overwhelmed. The Moon Pluto hard aspects can also create a over protective tiger mother and adoption is also a strong theme here. Angelina Jolie (American actress) has Moon Pluto square and has adopted three kids from different countries.

Moon Pluto Trines and Sextiles

With Moon Pluto easy aspects, the scenario may be the same but the person has the ability to deal with it in a positive manner. They may enjoy a strong bond with at least one caregiver without much of the chaos and turmoil. One may be able to channel this emotionally charged energy into creative pursuits and to deal with controlling relationships in a skilled manner. They may have internal or external support systems that cushion the intensity of the Moon Pluto aspect and hence lessen the sabotage and destruction to self and others. They may even enjoy some emotional drama as it makes them more alive, and hence seek out such experiences.

In spite of the intensity, if the energy is channeled in the right manner,Moon Pluto aspects in Astrology birth charts, help a person to become stronger and a real survivor.


If you have any Moon Pluto aspect and have experienced emotional turmoil, a close or complicated relationship with a caregiver,  a loss of a loved one, please share how this experience has helped you to become emotionally stronger.


28 COMMENTS on “Moon Pluto Aspects in Astrology

  1. I have moon semisquare pluto, moon in libra, pluto in scorpio the semi square is 0deg, and yes i had to deal with emotional pain from very young age. my mother had to separate me and i had to leave alone with my older sisters. i was 7 years old and i felt the grief, i cried nights but no one knew that i was in pain, i was just telling them am fine, and when she call i dont tell her nothing. even if i need a new shoe or clothes i dont tell no one..
    i also have a very loose conjunction of pluto and mars 10 deg 3 times of my life i was going to get raped and i was sexually abused and guess what both times i havent said anything ( i was only 6 years old) and the last time when i told them , they blamed me for being outside.. i cant forget their words i cant.. i was a child how can i be blamed instead of being hugged and calmed down ? they just get silent and they have never talked about it , me either but it still lives inside me…

    my father also was away he only came in vacations.. i dont know why this happend to me but am i always thank god for everything may be it is fate 🙂

    • Daughter of he Lotus, I am very sorry for your experience and you are right – no child should be blamed for rape – this adds shame to the emotional pain. Moon Pluto aspects are very intense and sometimes can take over everything else in the chart and this is why it is important to heal this wound. Thanks for sharing. Your experience is a a proof that semi-squares are as potent as squares or other hard aspects. The sexual abuse you suffered is more due to Mars Pluto aspect and not really Moon Pluto aspect.

  2. This is a very accurate & informative article, thanks!

    I have a Scorpio Pluto (12th) square Leo Moon (9th) exact, which is part of a very close fixed grand cross involving Taurus Mars (6th) & Aqua Venus (3rd). My schizophrenic dad abused my mom & my family during my childhood, caused all kinds of hell which I am still sorting through. My mom is kind of an extreme person (she was abused by her dad; has Pluto square AC exact) who’s very controlling & I fought with her all throughout my growing up. I have dealt with eating disorders, depression, addiction, & these days serious anxiety & paranoia which I am getting treatment for. The paranoia extends to my mom too as I believe she is trying to say subtle, negative things about me to my partner. Which is all very Pluto square Moon, too. Emotional crisis is a great way of summing up the aspect I think, as I’m either burying my intense feelings or dealing with the fallout of an emotional explosion. Strong social anxiety where I try to keep people from seeing my fear.

    It’s a hell of an aspect, & I’m only 28. Hope it gets much better in the years to come.

    • Hello Elise, I am very sorry for your childhood experience. In order to survive and get sanity, it is a good idea for
      the moon Pluto person to find a way to distance from the mom – by moving to another location, etc. Is there a way for you do do that?

  3. I have Moon Square Pluto with my Moon being in Leo. I honestly had the worst time growing up with my mother. She was controlling, emotionally and mentally abusive as well as sexually abusive and possessed me as an extension of herself instead of me being my own person (my Sun in Pisces causes invisibility). All I wanted to do was make her proud, entertain her and make her laugh yet I had to in ways that weren’t true to me, even sickening to an extent. I lied for her and defended her as I took on the role of her husband because as her daughter she was jealous of my youth. With all details aside, she was a typical black hole/parasite and that set me back terribly in my development and I’ve made decisions I am ashamed of since from extreme inner turmoil to my attempts at suicide as well as self harm. As years have passed, I finally decided to cut her out of my life sending a long, almost apologetic email of how I’ve always felt. I haven’t seen her in 8 years. On this flip side, I have a step mom who has been the mother I’ve always dreamed of and I still can’t wrap my head around how I was lucky enough to have this. She is insightful, strong and also transforming as the light side of Moon-Pluto aspects show. I still have a hard time fully embracing it, I struggle so much telling people how I really feel because I’m paranoid of being treated with invalidation like before even though I’m aware of this somewhat irrational fear. It’s weird actually having a mom hug me as I could have counted the times my birth mother hugged me. I still hesitate to show her how I really feel but it’s gotten better the more I grow and move on with my life. Clearly I needed an outlet to express how I feel and, strangely, posting this comment seemed more appropriate than getting the usual, unsettled look from family members.

    • Jenna, thank you so much for sharing your challenging experience with Moon Pluto. As hard as it can be…distancing
      oneself is sometimes the only way to get sanity from a Moon Pluto square caregiver. I am glad you were able to do this. I also find
      that the biggest challenge for Moon pluto square person is looking for the validation that was never given in childhood. So the idea is
      for the Moon Pluto person to come to a place in life where they can give their own internal validation. Books that talk about “Inner Child” may be helpful for healing Moon Pluto hard aspect issues

      • That is actually an excellent idea that I wouldn’t have entertained before. I really appreciate your wonderful insight into astrology as well as taking the time to read and reply to all of our comments. So, thank you for the insightful article as well as your suggestion/idea!

  4. I have Pluto near my Midheaven and ruling my Ascendent. Pluto sextiles my Saturn, Mercury, Neptune conjunction in Libra in the 11th house and my Jupiter Moon conjunction in Gemini in the 8th house. Saturn is on the cusp of the 12 house. Both air conjunctions form a close trine. My mother was very difficult emotionally for the entire family. I am blessed with a strong sense of independence and humor. I never blamed her for her harsh behavior but I was quick to move away from it as soon as possible. My mother gave me many gifts as a young child. She was an incredibly intuitive, protective and compassionate mother to my brother and I when we were young children. As we grew older and began to assert our individuality she turned judgmental, cruel mouthed, controlling and harsh in her criticisms and need to punish even the smallest transgressions “for my good.” Because I did not look to her for mothering as I grew older and instead began to mother myself, I was able to care for her and keep her safe in her elderly years. I had tremendous insecurities when I left home but worked on them for many years. Over my years as a solitary wanderer, I accomplished a lot of good and benefited many as a way to prove my own goodness and worthiness to myself. Later in life, with the help of a loving supportive husband, I was able to care for my parents who had not prepared for old age. During my time caring for mom I learned that she had borderline personality disorder and lewy body dementia. These illnesses helped explain her mysterious behavior and helped me to accept, love and forgive her. She apologized to me toward the end of her life when I confessed my hurt at her emotional distance and cruelty. She said she was sorry for being harsh, but she couldn’t help it. She told me she had never understood me. As a result of her early nurturing and subsequent emotional withdrawal from my life I am an extremely strong person and thank my mother for helping me to be the competent, independent and compassionate woman that I am now. Many times it was her example of what not to be that guided my behavior and relationship choices.

  5. I am seriously sad reading all of these negative experiences about moon-pluto aspects 🙁 I have moon square pluto natally, and while I agree that I suffered alot through my mother, I still deeply love her…I have forgiven her. What really scares me the most is that my youngest son has moon conjunct pluto in Cap, and I love all of my children fiercly…every decision I make in my life is not without caution for them and their best interest. Upon researching, I can’t seem to find the positive to this aspect and it hurts me to think that I may in some way be too much or not enough for my son. We actually have a very close bond, but what if pluto takes me from them? He is such a happy kid, and now I’m scaring myself so much thinking since pluto hasn’t manifested into a controlling or suffacting relationship between us…that it may separate us somehow. I guess this is my own insecurity creeping up since I lost my father in a motorvehicle accident when I was quite young….I don’t want my children to grow up without their parents in their lives. Can a moon conjunct pluto manifest in a positive way at all? Am i just doomed to disappoint him somehow? My twin daughters also have a pluto-sun conjunction in Cap, conjunct my youngest sons pluto-moon. Our home isn’t tumultuous or hectic, but we are a big family…5 children and my husband and I are high school sweethearts.

    • Amanda, it is true my article on Moon Pluto aspect is kind of harsh. This aspect adds intensity but it does not necessarily mean that it takes away from the love between the child and the caregiver. People with conjunctions do form deeper bonds with their caregiver. Also, your other aspects in the natal chart show how well you can deal with this intensity. I know a person who with this conjunction, who statyed with their mother until she passed away. Although it was very challenging for this person to go through this process of caring for the mother until death, they were very clear that they wouldn’t do it any other way. However, this person had strong Scorpio chart and could bear the intensity. Moon Pluto aspects do have positives like being able to understand your own and other people’s emotions and also the ability to form deep long lasting bonds. With so many moon pluto dynamics in your family, it shows that you are all deeply connected and it will work out well as long as the intensity is kept in check. And this is the whole point of Astrology – now that you know – you can use this energy with awarness.

  6. i have moon (pisces) Trine pluto (scorpio). my early life experiences with woman were intense and largely unpleasant. my mother abused alcohol and drugs but was not totally evil, she is a complicated woman to say the least. every woman i dealt with in my youth was emotionally intense and used that intensity to bully. they enjoyed acting as a psychic terror and causing emotional pain as a way for themselves to feel strong. over the years this nurtured in me the strength to stand up to that sort of behavior. people in my family were very manipulative people, which taught me more than a little about how to avoid being manipulated and also how to out play manipulators. i experienced several other pluto/moon themed events in my life from being molested by family members to homelessness. all of these experiences gave me an inner strength and sense of self-support that transcends material security. i did get derailed in life for a tough spell and still have resentments but i could be far worse off emotionally. i am hard to deal with as an adult because ive learned to be intense and forceful with people at the first sign they think my piscean manners are weakness. there is alot ive learned to not tolerate from myself or others. the pluto/moon aspect, even a trine, is always intense and traumatic. thankfully i was able to grow from the experiences rather than fall victim to them. now i have wisdom and understanding to offer to people lost in the dark cycles/experiences that moon/pluto bring us.

  7. Thanks for sharing QuietWolf,,,, It is true that all Moon Pluto people have some experience with intense women in their life but based on some stuff that you have shared, you may others things going on in your chart that may have contributed to this experience.

  8. My moon is aries opposite Pluto. I am quite strong emotionally even sensitive. The key is the awareness of fairness which gives great security to be right or wrong and when let emotions take freely space. Very cautious whom let in my life and can sense people from miles away in depth. Walking detectors

  9. I’ve got to say that reading both the article and the comments was staggering. I’m always mesmerized by astrology’s effectiveness. I have a Virgo Moon (6th) trine Scorpio Pluto (8th) and also had to deal with an abusive mother that threatened my sanity and personal development. She got killed in a terrible incident when I was 14 and I can’t help but feel some kind of relieve for her death, which comes with a terrible amount of guilt. I’m 29 now and still trying to figure out what to make of all this mess she left behing, but I do believe I’ll come to terms with it someday.

    • You may need to work o the grief of losing a mother (even thought she was abusive) and free yourself from the grip.
      It is amazing that even though she is passed away, she has so much control over you. This is typical of moon pluto aspect.
      You were just a child and if you feel relief at you mother’s death, it is a reflection of her role, not your attitude,

  10. I have Pluto in several areas of my chart. My moon is squared with Pluto. My sun is squared with Pluto. My moon is conjunct with Pluto. My Venus is Squared with Pluto. My Jupiter is squared with Pluto. My Neptune is Sextile with Pluto. And Pluto is also Sextiled with my ascendant. I have a difficult chart. I’ve been through a lot of tragedy. I lost my mom when I was 15 years old. My relationship with family are poor, although I try to keep up my spirits through self-improvement and writing. I have several overbearing and manipulative people in my life — namely my stepmom and Dad. I don’t have self-esteem or friends for that matter, right now. I feel misunderstood, for the most part. But I still want to be a writer/novelist, and express myself that way. (It’s been my life goal). Now that I have learned about the aspects of my chart, it’s helped me understand why my life has been so difficult — in spite of me trying to downplay myself and my power, which never works.

  11. I have a conjunction of mercury,
    The moon, the sun opposite pluto in scorpio (sun and moon in taurus)

    I have lost my self many times in arguments with my family, (i live with my brother my mother and my father)

    It comes to me naturaly this almost miraclous way of feeling that something is realy wrong. Like the ambient is bullshit. I have suffered an infinite amount of mind manipulation. Myself and my feelings being fucked up by them, it feels so bad like being tiny and guilty when i share this with them. I feel bad of even saying the things i feeled that was wrong. They keep controling me. I suffer a huge paranoia that even makes my mind fucked and i hate it so much not to trust anyone or feel secure with no one ever in my life. We argued many times and they told me to go away from the house many times, to leave. I tryed but have no money to do this and no job to pay a place. Tried to leave by myself and live like a homeless but they told me to come back. I think beyond all that pluto is a great planet. Beyond the experience of all that suffering there is like a magical wisdom that can help others with their suffering. I think i feel lucky to know myself soooo much and the amount of things one can learn in this life. I feel like true shit sometimes. I work on that everyday, trying to know my self better. Beyond the shitty life i have in my house wich i cannot scape see no way out, i feel so good to know this life is all mine and yours.

  12. Moon conjunct Pluto exact, in Scorpio. I see people; their masks and then what they really feel. Sometimes it’s hard to know myself, by contrast. I haven’t seen my parents in almost four years. Finally becoming my own person.

  13. I got libra pluto square cancer moon in the 7th and pluto in the 10th. My sister has got this aspect too, but with a leo moon. Also my significant other whom i was with for 12 years has this aspect. With both of them I had experienced trauma bonds. I believe myself to be on the side of a rather codependant empath side, my sis is diagnosed with bipolar and borderline, before she got the borderline told by a theraphist, I figured out her narcissism myself. The man I was with is also high narcissistic and also sadistic. He takes pride in being a sadist and to be above everyone. Anyway, i am 40, due to the psychological tribute I lost in the battles with those two i crumbled psychologically, losing my mental health ( suicidal and depressive, also raving feelings of wanting revenge, wishing myself dead or them dead. I overcame this anger, especially with my sis I found a way to accept her for what she is and lower my expectation in her and go low contact. But ny life crumbled under all this, bc I goddamn truly loved them and finding out about their only one winner one loser and their mask of strength while no ibside realness was present, was … more than alienating. Also they stole both many things from me, jokes, opinions, art, ideas, dreams, … basically both of them annilihated me completely. What I finally got out of it is that I learned to not tolerate shit by others but paying them back the double amount within a short period of time. My learning experience is to defend myself. And to not always assume the best in people.

  14. My Pluto is on the Ascendent, Leo rising opposition moon in Aquarius…very difficult childhood, father left when I was 3years old, after bringing my mother here after the war! She was german….it was so difficult for her…. she died young too with all the stress….everyone hated us…I didn’t understand then when I was a kid…why teachers didn’t like us, neighbours…
    I was locked up in a stock room when I was only 6 and the bulb was out…everyday for a long time I would watch the class through keyhole….all I think is how awful it must have been for my mother…but OMG do I know about prejudice and it has given me huge wisdom and insight..
    I have thought about fostering, I have considered winning the lottery and providing a warm loving home for the kids that live on the streets…I’m taurus sun MC…. I have the star of David in my chart along with many others…I’m 63 now and I know why I was given this in this lifetime….it’s a blessing, I have embraced it all to become who I am today, I had to go through all of that…and now, well, I’m awsome….😘

  15. My oldest son has Pluto in Sagittarius, in the 4th house squaring the Moon in the 1st house in Virgo. Apart from that, Pluto squares Venus in the 8th house and oppose the Saturn in the 10th house. Also, the Moon is opposite the Sun in Pieces in the 7th House and Venus in the 8th and it also squares Saturn in the 10th – so many very difficult aspect with both the Moon and Pluto and his current state is so difficult, that I am desperate to help, but don’t know how. He was born on 27th February 2002 in Nottingham, UK at 16:24. He shown the signs of a genius at the very early age and has always been at least 3 years ahead of his peers especially in maths, having passed math exams with the highest grades 2-3 years ahead, but he suffered a trauma in his childhood by his dad, which I didn’t know about until recently and I really found difficult to cope with his total change of personality/drastically different behaviour since he was about 12. At that age he was also diagnosed with high functioning autism and he’s been braking various rules in school from hacking the school administration, as he challenged its security, after the school claimed it super protected. He was breaking almost every school rule if he didn’t see the good reason to obey it, until he got expelled, when he was 14. Since then, he found one to one education with tutors much better for him, but during the exam time he got accused for attempted robbery, tried to end his life and was arrested for some rape allegations, which he denies, but will have to face court sometimes next year. Just the night before that arrest, I discovered a message he sent to our relative that his dad raped him when he was 6. I was so shocked and couldn’t keep it quite so I had to tell him about it, but since then our bond and trust has been broken and now he blames me not only for not protecting him well from his dad, but finds me useless, pathetic and naive not to realise that myself, much earlier. I have been protecting him all the time and did break up the relationship with his dad when he was 6, but for him that wasn’t good enough, as I should have broken up much earlier. In last 3 years he’s been going from deep depression to high risk behaviour, self-medicating himself and last few months he is under therapies for his mental health issues, but he’s getting worse by day, he needs more help. It was getting better before the arrest, he still wants to get better, but not from me anymore. It’s heart-breaking for me to see such a talent getting wasted and even harder to realise that in his mind I didn’t do well enough to protect him. I feel so sad not being able to help, but I just hope he can get better, with, or without my help. Could you let me know if the future transitions on his natal chart can bring some positive change? I am an eternal optimist, with Jupiter conjuct my ascendant, but I am really concerned about his mental health and if he can even be well again.

  16. My oldest son has Pluto in Sagittarius, in the 4th house squaring the Moon in the 1st house in Virgo. Apart from that, Pluto squares Venus in the 8th house and oppose the Saturn in the 10th house. Also, the Moon is opposite the Sun in Pieces in the 7th House and Venus in the 8th and it also squares Saturn in the 10th – so many very difficult aspect with both the Moon and Pluto and his current state is so difficult, that I am desperate to help, but don’t know how. He was born on 27th February 2002 in Nottingham, UK at 16:24. He shown the signs of a genius at the very early age and has always been at least 3 years ahead of his peers especially in maths, having passed math exams with the highest grades 2-3 years ahead, but he suffered a trauma in his childhood by his dad, which I didn’t know about until recently and I really found difficult to cope with his total change of personality/drastically different behaviour since he was about 12. At that age he was also diagnosed with high functioning autism and he’s been braking various rules in school from hacking the school administration, as he challenged its security, after the school claimed it super protected. He was breaking almost every school rule if he didn’t see the good reason to obey it, until he got expelled, when he was 14. Since then, he found one to one education with tutors much better for him, but during the exam time he got accused for attempted robbery, tried to end his life and was arrested for some rape allegations, which he denies, but will have to face court sometimes next year. Just the night before that arrest, I discovered a message he sent to our relative that his dad raped him when he was 6. I was so shocked and couldn’t keep it quite so I had to tell him about it, but since then our bond and trust has been broken and now he blames me not only for not protecting him well from his dad, but finds me useless, pathetic and naive not to realise that myself, much earlier. I have been protecting him all the time and did break up the relationship with his dad when he was 6, but for him that wasn’t good enough, as I should have broken up much earlier. In last 3 years he’s been going from deep depression to high risk behaviour, self-medicating himself and last few months he is under therapies for his mental health issues, but he’s getting worse by day, he needs more help. It was getting better before the arrest, he still wants to get better, but not from me anymore. It’s heart-breaking for me to see such a talent getting wasted and even harder to realise that in his mind I didn’t do well enough to protect him. I feel so sad not being able to help, but I just hope he can get better, with, or without my help. Could you let me know if the future transitions on his natal chart can bring some positive change? I am an eternal optimist, with Jupiter conjuncting my ascendant, but I am really concerned about his mental health, if he can even be well again and if we can restore our bond and trust.

  17. I have moon in taurus opposition Pluto in Scorpio… and moon oposition black moon lilith in scorpio…. I been dealing with bulimia for more than ten years and still did not recover…Other plasements might been problematic as well, capricorn stelliumim/mercury,saturn,uranus and neptune in fifth hause and vertex in capricorn in fifth hause… If you have any advice it would be really helpful….

  18. My moon semi-quares/ squares/opposes all the planets and asteroids(?) it aspects- sun, venus conj pluto on IC, mars, MC, descendant/ north node. It is conjunct my ascendant so it probably explains the way I easily absorb everything and feel out of control of my own emotions, but then again I have saturn in 5th house of self expression which is sesi-square moon and in hard aspect to my sun, mars and mercury stellium so maybe that helps me reel in the moon’s influences on me? With my mum, she’s always been very good at manipulating me when I was a teen. She had the cover-up of being this perfect mother sacrificing for her kids but she gave my brother more freedom to do what he wanted. To the world she was perfect, so anytime I did something she didn’t”like” like I don’t know, get baptized without involving her, she called one of her friends to intervene. When i didn’t want to go to uni (a 2nd time) she called a bunch of church people to come and talk to get the gist..
    She had been taught that the man could do what he wanted whereas the woman had to be submissive. We come from an African background where this way of thinking is common,however with her it seems quite extreme. Both of my parents had quite bad messages from childhood that they of course attempted to pass onto my brother and I ..but I think I saw through it all when I reached my teens and had a sort of awakening (spiritual maybe?) experience. She’s been trying to enforce messages on me since I was 12, as we didn’t live with her prior. We lived with our dad who was messed up. My mum always gave mixed messages

    -??Be submissive to guests and be submissive to me, but be tough when it comes to the world and your brother…???
    -??Don’t make yourself cheap for a man, but I still believe that women should be submissive in relationships…??
    -??I want you to be a good child, but you can’t be (a good Christian child) unless it’s in the way I want ..???
    -I want us to spend time together but only in the way I want, and when you need me I probably won’t be available how you need me to be ..??

    So my teens were some of the most confusing times for me and I went through so much yet I had no caring support from her! In my adult years she is still quite controlling. I live in a different city 3 hours away, I hardly visit the house or see my mum and I still feel controlled. It’s like this conditioning that stays with you and it’s very hard to deal with because me and her are so different but she still keeps forcing a relationship (on her own terms)instead of allowing me to decide

  19. Pretty crazy but astrology proves to be true in my case, too. I have Libra Moon conj Pluto AND Saturn in 11th house. This gets a square from Cancer Mars in 8th house. My Asc is Scorpio 29degrees.

    I suffered physical and emotional abuse from my mom and there was a time when I hated her. She has frail nerves, a control maniac, very religious and a perfectionist – while I’m an empath – bad combination! All-in-all she is a very good person, and I deeply love her. Sadly, my mere presence triggers her – and vice versa. She gets along fabulously with my sister, so I can see that she has a big heart and can be very tolerant. But we just couldn’t ascend this energetic dynamic between us. I moved out of my home when I was close to 30 even though I tried to leave earlier – my earliest attempt was at the age of 5 🙂

    I feel deeply, very deeply and intensely. I wouldn’t change that for the world! I just wish I wouldn’t unconsciously attract crisis after crisis into my life. My life is like one long, epic battle between dark and light. I feel deep compassion for humankind.

  20. I have moon pluto conjunct in my first house (sigh!)

    I do not share a good relationship with my mother who is domineering, controlling and over bearing not to mention mentally and emotionally abusive.

    She actually lives with me (again sigh) so that probably explains the “anytime the Moon Pluto person ­­tries to distance, they feel guilt and sadness” part in the article above..

    She drives me crazy and definitely messes up my mental well being constantly bickering and arguing – she’ll pick fights for no reason and complains non stop about not only me but everyone else too including my dad husband and daughter

    • Hello RS, thanks for your feedback. It is true with conjunction it is harder to detach and distance. The important questions to ask is what role do you play in
      continuing with this dynamics? You may have to work on the guilt to have a reasonable separation from her.


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