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Current Transits from September 4 to September 20, 2014

current transits1Are things getting a little lighter compared to the last month with Mars moving away from Saturn?     We have had enough of that duo, but I hope it was helpful to get some work done.   However, the work scenario still continues as Vesta, the asteroid for service and dedication  is quincunx Uranus which means you may be put in situations where you have to adjust between working sincerely and finding freedom.  This is an eternal balance issue for most of us but it may be felt more strongly now.  The work could also be perceived as a struggle since Vesta is close to Saturn and becomes exact on September 12th.  The load will get a little lighter by the end of September. With quincunx aspects the choice is limited and there is a need to adjust to circumstances. I’ve been feeling this energy in the past week or so where I have been called to take care of stuff that needs to be done – although they are not in my list of top ten favorite things to do.

A Fun and Lucky Aspect: Jupiter is still blasting through the fiery sign of Leo making a trine with Uranus which is going to last for until the first week of October. This can be a fun aspect if you have planet in mid Aries or Leo and can often bring sudden luck. Many lottery winners have this lucky aspect. This is especially favorable for those who have their midheaven or ascendant in mid Aries or Leo. With Jupiter making a harmonious aspect with Astrea, the asteroid related to justice, things may work in your favor. This is especially so if you have planet or angles in Aries or Leo.   Personally, I am hoping for a positive resolution to a legal matter that has been long due. Jupiter in Leo is busy making many connections. Starting from the 2nd week of September, Jupiter will also be making a quincunx aspect with Chiron and Pluto, forming a yod which may last for a month.  You may be put in situations where you question your religious and spiritual beliefs.  d9e4e0c4d0b5aa155b745f1d80ec01d6 Somewhere in the midst of the struggle you will find a resolution.   This may trigger people who have planets in Pisces or Leo (read more below on the yod configuration)

Don’t Throw the Baby with the Bath Water:  Starting from first week of September,  Juno squares Uranus, until the middle of September. So be careful of doing anything impulsively or rebelliously that can become destructive, especially with close relationships. With Uranus in the picture we may end up doing thing impulsively,  and regret later. Around September 6th to 9th, there may be some healing and understanding.

Another Yoddy! This is an important planetary configuration between Pluto, Chiron and Jupier and does not occur that frequently as both Pluto and Chiron are slow moving bodies. It starts of as a quincunx between Jupiter and Pluto and then a yod is formed when Jupiter forms forms another quincunx to Chiron in Pisces.   Yods are situations that make require you to make a choice and you may or may not be happy being put in this situation. With yods, its hard to say – they can go either way. This yod is about restructuring your belief systems and philosophy. It could include transforming your religious and spiritual beliefs, your outlook on life, and your personal value system. You may for a while be asked to step into the deeper realms to question and explore your own or others philosophy in life. Since Chiron is involved, the end result may provide you with the necessary answers and healing. This is going to be felt more with those who have planets in mid Capricorn, Pisces and Leo.

exercise girl stretching legTime for Your Health.: Hygeia is the health asteroid and with Uranus Pluto pressurizing it to change, it is a good time to get on the “good health” train and change any habits that may be preventing your body to be more functional.   With Uranus and Pluto square, either you make the efforts to change or events unfold that will push you on that train. It’s your choice! Since Pallas the asteroid for strategy and planning is involved in the grand square, it’s a wonderful time to plan anything from weight loss, workouts, taking a yoga class, getting a calorie counter, etc. This is especially important for those who have the Sun in Cancer (or other planets or angles). This is going to last until the mid October.

Black Moon Lilith is moving forward from being retrograde on September 17th so if you had any issues that has been simmering, don’t be surprised if it boils over.  This is especially so because BML is conjunct Jupiter (which makes everything large including resentment and anger)  and don’t be surprised if there are lot of opinions lashed out on women issues and domestic violence.  Black Moon Lilith’s main source of anger is being treated in an unfair manner when one person gets away with crime while the other has to pay hard for a misdemeanor.  Well, can’t completely blame her.  Black Moon Lilith is making an easy aspect to  Uranus on September 17th and so anger can slip out easily and maybe for a good cause.  This energy is especially going to be felt with those who have planets in Leo or Aries.  

If any of these transits are triggering your birth chart and you are experiencing this transit, then do share with us and we can discuss some solutions.

For a detailed astrological reading of your birth chart using the latest techniques to help you plan your life,  please contact me.

2 COMMENTS on “Current Transits from September 4 to September 20, 2014

  1. Astromanda – I have sun in Cancer at 12 degree and in the past few weeks changed my eating habits. Your post reaffirms the change – thanks

    • Melissa – Hygeis the health asteroid is at 8 degree Cancer and so it makes sense your making changes to your health, You are also getting some push from Pluto in Capricorn at 11 degree.


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