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Jupiter Uranus Conjunction – What it means for you?

Jupiter-Uranus comes together only once in 13 years and based on historical events that have been triggered during previous conjunctions, it usually signifies expansion and innovation (read more). This time around, the Jupiter Uranus conjunction occurs three times, in 0 degree Aries in June (8th of June) 2010 and in 29 degree Pisces in September of 2010 and in January 2011. What does this transit mean for you? You need to take a look at your natal chart and see where this conjunction is falling. If it aspects a planet, then there is more probability of this conjunction having a significance for you.

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Aspecting your Sun

Even without looking at a natal chart, it is easy to find out if the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is going to have a major aspect to your Sun by using the table given below. If your birthday falls in any segment of the dates mentioned above, your Sun is receiving a transit from the Jupiter Uranus Conjunction. Sun in the chart symbolizes how and where you would like to shine. It is the center of creative expression, vital force and the ego. Expression of this energy will be based on the zodiac sign, house position, house ruled by the Sun, and aspects to the Sun in the natal chart. Generally, this transit to the Sun will affect one’s enthusiasm and confidence most likely in a positive manner, and in turn provide the drive to realize the complete potential of the Sun. With easy or soft aspects like the sextile and trine the results may manifest without much effort, but with hard aspects like oppositions and squares there could be an inner or external tension or conflict that needs to be resolved for the expansion to occur. With conjunctions, the planet that is being triggered takes on the characteristic of the triggering planets, and hence in this case the Sun takes on the characteristics of Jupiter and Uranus. Of course, this is a very general characterization of this transit as other factors in the chart and other simultaneous transits to the Sun can modify the expression.

Birth Dates Aspects to the Sun from Jupiter-Uranus
Born between March 17th  – March 25th Conjunct the Sun
End of Pisces and beginning of Aries.   
  Soft Aspects
Born between July 20 – July 28th Trine The Sun
End of Cancer and beginning of Leo
Born between Nov. 19 to Nov. 27th
End of Scorpio or beginning of Sagittarius  
Born between  May 18th  – May 26th Sextile the Sun
End of Taurus and beginning of Gemini
Born between  Jan 17th – Jan 25th
End of Capricorn and beginning of Aquarius 
  Hard Aspects
Born between June 17th – June 25th Square the Sun
End of Gemini and beginning of Cancer
Born between Dec. 17th-Dec. 25th
End of Sagittarius and beginning of Capricorn  
Born between Sep.20th  –Sep.28th Opposition to the Sun
End of Virgo and beginning of Libra

 In order to find out more specifically as to how the Jupiter-Uranus transit may unfold for you, it is important to characterize the Sun by taking a look at your natal chart. Read the article on how to characterize a planet to find out more about your Sun. That will give you more specific information on how and where this expansion is set to occur. For example, let’s assume that the Jupiter -Uranus conjunction transits a Capricorn Sun situated in the 2nd house and is the ruler of the 9th house. Since Sun is the ruler of the 9th house, there is a core need for the ego (Sun) to shine in 9th house areas related to higher education, religion, law, philosophy, and this energy is positioned in the 2nd house of value, money, earning a living, etc. Here the Sun has the function of trying to find form (Capricorn) and value (2nd house) with something that is abstract and hard to structure (9th house energy). So in this case, a trine from Jupiter-Uranus conjunction to the natal Sun may help the person to find a way to integrate this energy in his life either by finding a job that can help him earn money using his 9th house interests, or maybe by providing an opportunity to go back to school. Whatever happens, it may be a good opportunity to expand the expression of the natal Sun in an innovative manner.

Does this conjunction trigger your Sun or any of the other planets in your natal chart? Please share how this has played out for you so far (keep in mind that this conjunction is going to last until January 2011).

5 COMMENTS on “Jupiter Uranus Conjunction – What it means for you?

  1. My Jupiter-Uranus combo is aspecting my Venus (Square). Venus in Capricorn rules my 10th house of career. I had a significant breakthrough in communication in my work/career this month.

  2. Usually Venus is about money or relationships but it is interesting that in your case you felt the change in your career as Venus rules your 10th house. Nice Observation!

  3. Yes. I want to thank you Manda for your insight on this. Just because of your predictions, I have been able to change my career and I am enjoying every moment of it. I found that my time since June 2010 as forecasted by you, has been financially very very progressive. Thank you.

  4. I feel an exceptional thing happened 4 days ago. My dad received a letter back in July of 2008 about his old land up near Gaberville,Ca. The realtor wrote a letter talking about a property for sale nearby indicating that his land was increasing in value. My dad used to live there for 20 years but moved out 16 years ago. The ex girl friend trashed the place. As a result the land has been sitting with run down cabins with garbage everywhere, and all overgrown with vegetation. The ex girl sold her half of the property to another man. My father’s plan all along was to pass it on to me when he dies. In the past few years my dad stated if he could sell the land then he would like to help us out.

    After receiving this letter from the realtor back in 2008 my dad had me call an appraiser to see what the land was valued at. Nothing ever came of it since my dad didn’t want to pay to get an appraisal done. Then again my dad sent a letter earlier this year saying that he wanted to get the property listed for sale but give first option to co owner to buy out my dad’s half. I sent a letter a month ago to co owner but almost a whole month went by with no response. Then this call came 4 days totally unexpectedly that he was ready to buy out my dad’s interest. I feel there has been a breakthrough in this conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus
    Thank you


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