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Saturn Moving to Scorpio-Authentic Power

saturnWoodenChiselsOn October 5, 2012, are you ready for Saturn diving into the underworld of Scorpio for the next 21/2 half years. Saturn is about lessons on discipline, structure, authority, etc., and Pluto is about deep transformation that often occurs through crisis, and about power and control. For the past two and half years, Saturn in Libra was about setting boundaries in relationship, getting rid of those that no longer serve our higher purpose, and becoming realistic with the existing ones. So what does the Grand Old Teacher want from us when he moves to Scorpio? What is that we need to learn in Pluto’s Caverns?

Saturn in Scorpio is about learning authentic power – the kind that comes through efforts & hard core introspection, teaching us to thrive in situations where there is little control over our life, having to face realistically any issues related to finance, sex & sexuality, intimate relationships, and trust, and undergoing transformation by facing the fears lurking within us. So basically Saturn here wants to sculpt a new more functional you out of the old one, and this process is not an easy one, especially if your resist the blows from his chisel! The closer we hold on to our fears, the harder will be this transformation process, until we become aware and let go of all the defenses that we have been using as a shield. Saturn’s goal is to strip us naked of all defenses so we can see our true power, the stark truth with no icing whatsoever. Doesn’t that sound fun? If you are unrealistic about your real strengths, Saturn will hand you a truth mirror!

Most of this can be seen in the area of you natal chart where the sign Scorpio is located and the house ruled by Saturn. For example, if Scorpio is in your 3rd house, then don’t be surprised if there are some real boundaries that need to be drawn between you and your neighbors, or if you lay down rules in how you are going to interact with your siblings, or if you become more disciplined in how you learn a favorite subject. If you have planets in this area of the natal chart, then it is harder to escape this structured transformation.

Where is Scorpio in your natal chart and how you think this Saturn transit is going to be played out in your life?

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