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The Astrology of November 2012 Eclipses-Spicy in Scorpio!

solar eclipse total
Scorpio is getting heated up! What’s with the recent Saturn entry in Scorpio, retrograde Mercury set to enter Scorpio on November 14th, and a total Solar eclipse on November 13, 2012 at 22 degree Scorpio? An eclipse in combination with a Mercury retrograde demands CAUTION in all that we do. This is a good time to check your natal chart for the house where Scorpio is located and if the eclipse is going to trigger any of your natal planets!

There are 2 eclipses set to occur in November and other than the Total Solar Eclipse on November 13th, there is a Partial Lunar eclipse that occurs on November 28, 2012 at 6 degree Gemini. An eclipse shows where change or a new direction is set to occur, both on a mundane and personal level. The influence of the eclipse on a personal level depends on the area of the natal chart (sign and house) where the eclipse occurs, and if a natal planet or angle is being triggered. If the eclipse is conjunct or opposite a natal planet or angle in your chart with less than a 3 degree orb, then the area signified by the planet or angle is set to change for the next year or so. It just means that this area of the chart has been chosen by the Universe for evolution. The two times that my natal Uranus and Pluto were triggered by an eclipse were times of major change in my life when my path and goals were transformed radically, and it is hard to accept a change that we did not consciously plan.

Solar Eclipse Chart on November 13, 2012

Total Solar Eclipse on November 13, 2012: The first November eclipse is a Total Solar Eclipse which is basically a super powerful New Moon wherein both the Sun and Moon are at 21 degree 56 minutes of Scorpio. Solar Eclipse has the same kind of energy as the New Moon like in starting new things, about one’s ego and new experiences. There are both positive and negative indications for this eclipse. Since the eclipse falls in Scorpio ruled by Pluto, the influence could be transformative in nature. The eclipse is a dragon head eclipse (north node) which are usually more positive in influence than the south node eclipse, but the south node is conjunct the fixed star, Algol, which has a pretty bad reputation. It is a dark intense energy which is usually related to violence of all sorts. This eclipse also conjuncts the fixed star, Unukalhai, which is also called the neck of the Serpent, and this is supposed to have a treacherous quality to it, kind of like the negative qualities of the Neptune archetype, and can be related to hidden stuff like health issues that come later to haunt us. This theme is repeated with Retrograde Mercury making a close square to Neptune on the day of the eclipse.

On a mundane level, when the eclipse chart was set to Washington D.C., the south node at 26 degree Taurus conjunct the fixed star Algol falls on the Ascendant, which shows that this is critical time for the United States. On the other hand, Jupiter in the Eclipse chart falls on the descendant of the US Sibley chart, which indicates a happy ceremony or celebration and could symbolize the upcoming inauguration of the new President. In looking at Obama’s chart, the South Node conjunct Algol of the Eclipse chart is conjunct his Midheaven which indicates an intense period for him. Also, the close square between Neptune and Retrograde Mercury aspects Obama’s Moon, Midheaven and South Node, and United States Moon. This synastry for sure shows a critical time of change and transformation both for the United States and for Obama, and there is indication of some kind of confusion and the kindling of strong emotions.

This eclipse belongs to Saros Cycle 133, which first occurred in the year 1219 and repeats itself every 18 years. So the last one of these happened in 1994 (18 years ago) and the next one will happen in 2030 (18 years later). Each of the Saros cycle carry their own energy and this eclipse is supposed to bring good news in areas where there is more responsibility and committment (Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology, 1992) since New Moon was conjunct Mercury when it first occurred (like you have been working hard on something and the news could reflect your achievement).

Partial Lunar Eclipse on November 28, 2012: This lunar eclipse falls on 6 Gemini 46 minutes. Lunar eclipses are more significant on a personal level. This is a dragon tail eclipse and is usually compared to the energy of the south node. The eclipse is ruled by Mercury , the sign of communication and unfortunately will still be in its retrograde phase, and square Neptune. The south node is exactly conjunct Algol which falls on the President’s Midheaven and hence the intense negative energy initiated during the solar eclipse still continues. The Sun and Moon oppose each other forming a t-square with Chiron, expressing the theme of wounding, pain, grief and healing than are brought to light through awareness. Also, Moon conjunct Lilith indicates that sexual intimacy, close relationships, undoing, power games, etc., could be highlighted. The eclipse falls on the fixed star, Hyades II (which is on the face of the Bull) and has the energy of Saturn and Mercury. Good for using the mental faculties to focus but demands restraint and discipline.

My experience with Eclipses: When I go back to eclipses that have either triggered a natal planet or angle, many of them seem to indicate change- some more potent and positive than others. The two times I had my Uranus Pluto triggered by an eclipse, my life changed radically and unexpectedly. Venus eclipses have been about relationships both in a positive and negative manner. On my Neptune, I had a surgery that should not have been done (they called it a dumb luck one). The eclipse on the Sun was positive and I went back to school. When it fell on my Saturn and Ascendant, it was raw hard work. I do not see a significant correlation between a south node eclipse being more negative than a north node eclipse, at least not from my experience. However, most of the time, the events do reflect the nature of the planets.


17 COMMENTS on “The Astrology of November 2012 Eclipses-Spicy in Scorpio!

  1. I think the Solar Eclipse is falling on my Neptune. My Neptune is at 18 deg – will I still be influenced?



  2. Hello Sudipto…the solar eclipse is falling on Scorpio 21 deg 56 minutes, so its approx. within the 3 degree orb. It is good for spiritual practice or anything artistic.. but also this is an indication that you need to be careful before you get into any money (or investments, valuables, etc) related deal. With eclipse on Neptune, there is more potential for deception and scams!

  3. eclipse falling on mid point uranus/jupiter opposite radix moon 23Taurus in the tenth house. Has this anything to do with my mother?

  4. my son has mercury, mars and uranus in Scorpio.. respectively 0 degrees merc, 21 degrees mars and 23 degrees uranus all in the first house…for this up coming Solar Eclipse November 13 2012…
    I feel some concern for him..and have been having some disturbing dreams with him in them…
    what if anything can you offer me…

  5. Hello Byzaleth, the solar eclipse of November 13th falls on your Son’s Mars and Uranus. An eclipse basically indicates that this area of his life there is going to be some change; positive or negative. Generally, Mars Uranus is an impulsive energy and needs to used carefully, especially in the first house. With an eclipse on these planets, it could mean a new way for him to use his drive and energy that ends up being positive…but at the same time he needs to be cautious about accidents and mishaps. Also with Mars Uranus one can end up in sudden conflicts. This eclipse demands a change in how he uses his Mars Uranus energy.

  6. Hello Rai, its nice that you take the midpoints into account in trying to predict the outcome – they do matter a lot. Jupiter Uranus midpoint is usually connected with sudden luck and with Moon at the midpoint it could mean good fortune through women or sudden events that create happy emotions and well being. It could also mean mother. You can read more about the Jupiter Uranus midpoint at

  7. Hi…
    My natal sun is 26 degrees 30′; Mercury 13 degees 11′; Chiron 28 degrees 45′ all in Scorpio, in the 8th house. My natal moon is 22 degrees 53′, Uranus 29 degrees 47′ both in Gemini in the 3rd house. How wikl this manifest? .thank you so much.

  8. Hello Diane, With eclipse usually the orb is less than 3 degrees. Your planets in Scorpio are more than the 3 degree orb from the eclipse (eclipse is falling on 21 degree Scorpio) and the same goes with your planets in Gemini since the lunar eclipse is falling on 6 degree Gemini – the orb is more than 3 degrees. Also, check if you have any planets or angles in Taurus (opposite to Scorpio) and in Sagitarrius (opposite to Gemini) which are less than 3 degree to the eclipses.

  9. Hy, Manda! I have Neptun 20*. 11 , NS 25.17 Scorpion in limit house 5-6….and this eclipse make trigon whit Saturn, Kiron house 10 and sextil whit Uranus conj Pluton!!!! Please, this means…..Thanks!

  10. Hi Manda…
    have scorpio moon 6 deg. in 8th house (im so knew to this lol)
    IC 22 degs Gemini 3rd house
    jupiter 5degs Sagitarrius 9th
    MC 22 degs Sagitarrius 9th
    manda can you explain how this can affect me…
    Thanks *=}

  11. Hi again (lol)
    i also have Mercury 3 degs Taurus
    Saturn 21 degs Taurus hope this helps…couldnt sleep last night so got-up and felt this stuff up there in the starlight *=}
    Thanks .x.

  12. Hello Kylee, Happy Solar Eclipse! Eclipse falling on Uranus in the 4th house could very well mean change in the domestic, home, or family situation. When Eclipse fell on my Uranus, It was a time of huge changes that year. However, change is not a bad thing…we all need it to move forward, and the main goal for Uranus is to shake us out the little niches where we have been stuck for too long or areas that are not working in our life and need a new facelift! So let Uranus work on your life – it is not going to be comfortable – but better in the long run!

  13. Christina, If you have eclipse falling on your Neptune….this is a good time to re-focus on your spiritual path especially because you are fortunate to have Neptune trine Chiron. This trine means that it is easier for you to get on the spiritual path and use prayers, etc.. to heal your wounds (especially those from childhood). The problem with Neptune is it can go both ways based on the choice you can lead you to a higher path of spirituatlity, art, music, etc…or/and can sometimes lead to cheating and lies through wrong relationships, financial loss, health problems that is hard to diagnose. So be very careful before you get into a money related project or business with others. Since Neptune is in the 5th house, its may also be good for any creative project that you can do on your own.

  14. Indigo, from all the data that you have provided, it looks like the solar eclipse is falling on your Saturn in Taurus. This means that it is time for you to start planning on the next step in your life in a realistic manner. Saturn does not like lip service. Its a good time to focus and put effort on a project that will add safety and security in your life. Usually eclipse on Saturn is also foretelling of times where you need to do more work – maybe you will be given more responsbility in your life and Saturn is usually good at giving rewards for hard work.

  15. hI Shelly, join the party – I have the lunar eclipse falling on my midheaven too! In a positive sense, this could mean a new direction in your Career. Midheaven is also about your parents and any status change (like from single to married) – so maybe some issues in that direction. Also, when an eclipse falls on an angle, people tend to move to a new location, and if it is on the MC, it could be due to a job change.


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