Monthly Astrology Transits
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Astrology Insight – July 2017

This monthastrology transits for November 2016 is about moving forward with more dedication and planning.  This also means that you may have to face some bitter truth about yourself  to get to where you want to be.  Many planets and asteroids retrograde also means that the energy is pushing you to plan first and then take action.  There may be reminiscences of past mistakes so as to learn from them.  Those that have  planets fire or air signs will be motivated to work hard towards a cause for themselves or others and may find the needed support to help them in the process.  New Moon in Leo conjunct Mars signifies a new mission.

Pluto in Capricorn has been squaring Jupiter in Libra  on and off for a while, and this month Jupiter will move closer making an exact square in the beginning of August.  Jupiter Pluto square  is about finding balance in your life or relationship, through facing reality and truth.  Pluto Jupiter combo is often about success, not necessarily material, but also spiritual, emotional, etc.   Since they are challenging each other in a square, the reality check from Pluto may dent the ego and tear some of the delusions.  If you have the courage to look straight at them, there will be a lot of learning that can move you forward to the next phase of life.  This may be the time that you find out that your dependency on others keeps you trapped, and this need to change for you to become your authentic self, or that some truths have to be faced in  relationships to take it to the next step or let go of it.  

July 16th is good day to watch as Moon is making a t-square to Pluto and Jupiter from Aries, and this may throw more light on how this energy works for you.  Either way Pluto’s truth although hard in the beginning, can bring long term benefits. So keep yourself open to receiving communication from the higher self.

Node conjunct Vesta in late degree of Leo, until the middle of July,  and anything conjunct the node becomes a tool to learn some lessons.  We are always learning whether we like it or not, but when node conjunct Vesta, the message is to hold the light for the cause you believe, for yourself or others.  Since Saturn is trine the Node Vesta combo, this is going to involve some sweat, but you may willingly put in the longer hours with a good attitude, if any of your planets or angles make an easy aspect to this trine.  So watch out those with planets in the late degree of fire signs and air signs – this may be a positive time to work towards your goals.  However as you move towards  22nd, you will feel a sense of more freedom and independence as Vesta lets go of Saturn and trines Uranus.  This may be the time you realize that this is your cause and it was not really imposed on you.

The week of July 17th expect a fun break with Jupiter in Libra trine Venus in Gemini, with a great time for an airy pleasant connection with friends and family.   Also Venus squares Neptune, and all things look rosy and prettier than what they are until the 22nd.  A little illusion is helpful as a break from the other hard aspects, as long as you don’t let it go too far and get deceived..

The week of July  23rd, Saturn and Uranus made an exact trine in May, and since then Jupiter has been retrograding and separating, but Mercury in Leo  connects them together for a brief time through a grand trine.  Saturn and Uranus express the need for structure and the need to be independent.  This trine is a good opportunity to find balance between the two. With Mercury, it may also mean getting a message that could be a surprise and a setback but with the trines things could be worked out in the end.  This is specifically important for those with planets in the late degrees of fire or air signs.   

The New moon is also happening on July 23rd, conjunct Mars in Leo. So for those of you, who have any personal planet in early degree of Leo, this is going to be intensely energized two weeks.  This may illuminate your (or others) need to put on a show to look good and to project  confidence and positivism.  The special performance here is from the Mars in Leo which any time it conjunct the Sun, gets ready to go on a new mission.  This starts a new mars cycle which goes on which goes on for the next 2 year or so. From the middle of the month, this energy will gather force as it becomes exact around July 27th. This combination houses a lot of willpower, which is not based on intuition, rationale, flow, etc., but just the sheer force to drill through whatever is necessary to get the wants met.  However, Pallas the goddess of strategy squaring this combo says “Nah, not so fast…strategize first!”, and of course no red blooded impatient Martian will want this advice.  But however, since it is a square, you will be pushed to plan before you leap, and in due course will be thankful to this smart goddess.  So use this energy as stepping stone to get where you want to be

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