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Current Astrological Transit for the Week of July 21 – August 3

Uranus in Aries  is quincunx Saturn in Scorpio:  Quincunx aspects  are usually about adjusting to difficult circumstances that are forced upon you. This is especially so for those who have Sun or other planets in mid Scorpio or Aries. This may be like you wanting  to go to the park but instead you are forced to do the laundry, and iron your clothes.  So its really about trying to find a compromise between freedom and responsibility.  Uranus is also  trine the Black Moon Lilith who in Greek mythology is a lady that fights for her rights and makes no bones about it. If she wants, she could seek revenge in a dark, shady, dirty manner. It also could signify anger that comes from being treated in an unjust or unfair manner.   If you sense increasing conflicts in the world,  this transit could be one of the reasons where people are saying “enough is enough”.  When Moon join BML on July 27th, there will be more understanding of this energy and it may also be a time where any hidden anger may surface in retaliation. 

Toro  conjunct Black Moon Lilith:  The asteroid, Toro  meaning “Bull” in Spanish positively stands for strength, strong values and boundaries, but negatively, it could also  denote anger issues, violence,  and just being bull headed. So a good picture to explain this conjunction would be like a wild woman riding on a bull, and its easy to see this  reflected through the rebellions, terrorism, and wars that are going on in the world.  There is a special kind of strength that shines through those that have this asteroid conjunct their Sun. They can also be very stubborn as this  energy is akin to the earthy Taurus.

 Trine Between Neptune and Venus: Glad that not all transits are  hard and tough. There are some easy aspects like Neptune in Pisces trining Venus in cancer. This is a very feminine flowing ying energy and is great for creativity and spirituality (or a combination of both) like yoga, tai chi, music, painting or any other creative project that helps you to get lost somewhere far from the maddening world.  Added to this there is a grand trine between Saturn, Chiron and Mercury.  After Mercury moves on, Venus joins the party and continues the grand trine.  This also contributes to creative healing.  So if you ever wanted to take a class in meditation, this is a good time to do so as the heavens are on your side.

Pluto in Capricorn Opposite Venus in Cancer : Tug of war between the ruler of the underworld and the beauty queen?  Yes, these two can have some great intense chemistry, even though they can pull each other’s hair  at times.  But now they stand facing each other which may just mean that its time to talk about how power and love are related.  Venus in Cancer says its time to nurture all who need protection and Pluto says” Well, all the love you have better be just for me and only me”.  Venus stands its ground while Pluto is trying to manipulate her into coming with him to the underworld. So if you are pulled into arguments with loved ones it may end up being a good opportunity to voice out your needs in love. This may be especially important if you have your Sun in the mid Cancer or Capricorn.  The only issues here is that both Cancer and Capricorn are not really into talking and so the communication could happen in a manner other than verbal. 

Mars Conjunct Vesta;  For some time now, Mars, the action god has been with Vesta,  the asteroid related to working with dedication and sincerity and so you seen this could be a reason for feeling overloaded with work even though some of it are things that may be initiated by you.  This is going to go on for sometime at least until mid August

Are  you experiencing any of these transits in your life?  Ps share with us. 


2 COMMENTS on “Current Astrological Transit for the Week of July 21 – August 3

  1. I have Sun in Scorpio in the 10th house and I have been feeling a lot of tension recently at my work. This is kind of like what you said about having to compromise and adjust to difficult situations. Thanks for bringing to light the Uranus aspect to Saturn in Scorpio.


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