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Current Transits Until End of October 30 2012

current transits1CURRENT TRANSITS: The grand trine between Ceres, Neptune and Saturn continues for the next few weeks making it a little easier to get to your dreams. The grand trine is a good time to start a habit that can nurture you for the long term, like meditation, yoga, etc. Look at the area of the natal chart that Ceres is transiting, as this is could provide you with a clue as to what could be nurturing at the present time. Sun joins Saturn becoming part of the pattern and throwing light on what is possible with this energy and so take advantage of this help. Mercury is sextile Venus until the end of the month – harmonious and creative communication. Also towards the end of the month, Saturn (now part of the grand trine) is at the midpoint of the Venus Mercury sextile which could mean an opportunity to use creative expression to get your goals, like asking for a raise, negotiating an agreement, etc.

Between 24th and 28th of October, Mars moves to oppose Jupiter creating excess energy which may have to be handled cautiously to avoid rash decisions, accidents, etc. Uranus opposition Venus towards the end is a push to spice up our life with friends, relationships, so make sure to use it or Uranus has its ways! LET ME KNOW HOW THESE TRANSITS ARE WORKING FOR YOU.

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