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Current Transits from August 24 to September 6, 2014

current transits1Saturn and Mars in Scorpio are going to get exact and this combo is about getting work done.   Scorpio is an intense sign and Saturn and Mars here can sometimes push our limits. But this is a great time to take on those challenging projects that you have been shelving off for a while. So bring them out and dig in!

Saturn Mars combo is also squaring the drama queen, Venus in Leo and she ain’t doing no work to please anybody! So you can just  imagine the scenario between them.  Mars and Saturn say “Get down to business” and Venus  says “Oh please-stop making so much fuss – I am getting ready for a party”.   This is going to last for a week until August 28th of this month. So if there is a part of you that is resisting putting your nose to the grindstone and you just want to laze around  or go shopping, just blame it on this royal Venus! Anytime Venus and Mars are at odds, there could be some relationship issues. The squabbles could happen because one partner is alongside Saturn ready to get stuff done while the other may want to party! . Also at some point Venus will join the don’t take nonsense Black Moon Lilith. So this is going to be a Venus with an “ATTITUDE” .  With Venus in Leo you may end up buying those expensive clothing that you have been eying for some time. Yes! The Venus in Leo lady likes to spend lavishly and so just hide your credit card or just hand it over for a month to the most miserly among your friends.Venus in Leo

New Moon in 2 degree Virgo on August 25th: This is an interesting New Moon because Saturn and Mars combo are getting exact on the same day.  Watch out for potent energy on this day, especially if you have planets in Virgo or Scorpio.  Virgo Moon is about work and service and this goes along with the Saturn Mars Combo described above.  So a great time to start a new project and maybe you will get a hunch from Uranus.  Follow this intuition and if you feel resistance to get to work, push yourself harder and make that Scorpio happy.  Also, New Moon is opposite Neptune. So if you feel confused it means that you are not in touch with your heart.  Neptune says “Do that which your heart says is right even if the path is not clear”. 

 Uranus Trine Venus between August 23 and August 28.   It is party time and good for making new friends especially those that have the fire in them, since Venus is together with the intense rebellious Dark Moon Lilith. Since Uranus is conjunct the freedom loving fixed star Alpheratz, the socializing may even set you free.

A Yod Again!  Thank goodness the sacrificing Jupiter Neptune Quincunx is moving away – we have seen enough of pain and suffering in the past week. But we have another Yod pattern between Saturn/Mars (the same duo again!), Mercury and Uranus.  What does this yod say?  Yods are karmic patterns that basically take out the “choice factor” in your life for a while leaving you to the whims of fate. You may or may not like the outcome and there is no saying until it happens. There could be sudden news or information that may change your path of action. You may be re-directed to another path without further notice. Or even worse you could be invited into a fight that has erupted and you have no choice but to wrestle. But the good news is Uranus is conjuct the fixed star Alpheratz which is about swiftness freedom and harmony so the message could actually set you free. This may be felt especially with those who have planets or angles in the mid-degrees from 12 to 18 degrees. If you are a Scorpio you are going to feel a lot of push to perform in the next 2 weeks (you probably have been feeling this for some time now) and you may receive a message that changes some area of your life.  

A Grand Trine between Juno, Ceres/Vesta and Neptune – Storm of Feminine Power:   This trine represent an opportunity to nurture oneself and others with dedication and if you add spirituality in the mix then this is an unbeatable potion. You may have felt the past few days that it has been easy to concentrate on your health or you are getting information on different sources to focus on what’s right for you. This grand trine is a real help if you want to lose weight, eat healthy, get into meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, or anything that promotes your well being. This is not the kind of energy that is about sweating out in the gym but its more a subtle energy that is about being present and being focused on what nurtures your body, mind and soul. It is about find that wholesome approach that is right for you. If you have children or people you take care off, then this energy can guide you to do what is right for them and what may be the right way to nurture them.

Grand Square between Uranus, Pluto, Juno and Pallas: Uranus and Pluto have been squaring each other for a while now and this energy is realy about pushing for change. Now these 2 asteroid goddesses,Juno and Pallas have been called on to change their ways. So it’s a good time to plan on new ways of relating with your family. Look at the same squabbles that happen in your intimate relationships and see what you can do differently this time to change them. Maybe all it takes is a little tweak on your behavior. When you go along with the stars it is like swimming along with the waves. Pallas is the smart queen of strategy and design and she can energize those grey cells to come up with a plan. This will be more evident for those who have planets or angles in the cardinal degrees (Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer) ranging from 9 degree to 17 degree.

Reference: [Fixed Star and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923].

Are any of these current transits on your planets or angles?  Scorpio is on the hot seat and if you are one, are you feeling it? 



2 COMMENTS on “Current Transits from August 24 to September 6, 2014

  1. Loved reading it – my Sun is in Scorpio at 17 deg., 7th house. All of a sudden there are problems with my boyfriend. I am hoping it will pass away once Mars separates from Saturn.

  2. I am sure things will get easier Rosemarie once mars moves away but also when Mercury moves away in couple of days because that will break the Yod pattern between Saturn/Mars, Mercury and Uranus. Good Luck


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